Dogs just love the Pet Patrol Doggy Daycare. With ample room to play, lots of human attention and plenty of canine companionship, it’s just the thing for the bored, stressed or lonely pet. If you work long hours, daycare benefits both you and your pet.
A typical day at the Pet Patrol Doggy Daycare starts at 7am when dogs first start arriving. They are grouped into individual playgroups according to their size and temperament and assigned to one of our indoor play areas. Each playroom is temperature controlled, has a bright and cheery park-like setting with play equipment and constant supervision. The floors are made of a special epoxy designed specifically for dogs and there are designated potty areas designed for quick and easy cleanup.
All dogs play until mid-morning, at which time they get a play break and opportunity to relax. After the mid-day break the dogs are allowed free play and can participate in fun supervised activities such as the bubble bonanza, dog soccer, ball chase and other furry inspired activities until you pick them up.
All dogs are required to attend a 1 hour Doggy Daycare Evaluation prior to any Doggy Daycare reservations being confirmed (Doggy Daycare Evaluations are not required for Boarding-only or Grooming-only dogs).
Please note that dogs wearing martingale, choke, pinch, beaded, studded, spike or prong collars of any kind will be required to leave the collar with owner and those specific types of collars are not allowed into our facility for safety concerns. We recommend flat buckle, quick release cloth type of collars when in daycare or in boarding. All dogs must be on a leash when entering The Pet Patrol Dog Hotel.
We accept all breeds at The Pet Patrol Dog Hotel, dogs are tested on behavior for daycare not by the way they look.
Dogs who are not suitable for Doggy Daycare and need to stay with us just for the day may book a room at our normal Boarding rates.